Harvest Care & Concern Social Space COLLABORATION Surplus Contribution
收割 照料/關懷 社會空間 合作 剩餘 貢獻
Bee Coin 匯率
Urbanistik 都會
Cheese Coin 交易平台
Roma Museum 羅馬神殿
Shepard School 佛手瓜作為學校
Rethinking Funding 資金的再思考
University Struggle 大學內鬥爭
Village Mobilization 村落的能動性
Gudskul Curriculum 「好學校」的課程
Radio Makers Network 廣播電台網絡
Maaya Entrepreneurship 美德的企業
Inclusion as Co-Creation 包容的共同創作
Refugee Community House 收容的社區住宅
Ways of Working Together 共同工作方式
Sustainable Festival Making 永續節慶的發生
Local Knowledge Revitalization 在地知識再生
Surplus 剩餘
Sufficient 充足
Surplus 剩餘
Sufficiency 充足
Self 自足
Limitation 限制
Living Room 客廳
Collective Pot 公共煙斗
Individual Pot 個人煙斗
Lumbung 糧邦
Lumbunging Process 糧邦 過程
Lumbung members as a hub working for sustainability in the ecosystem and use the exhibition in Kassel to feed into that
Weekly zoom meeting -> meeting hosted by member -> digital assembly
-> knowing each other plan -> make a working group -> Harvesting process -> collaboration & coproduction -> sharing each other resources -> Building digital tools -> Finding ways to grow together
Weekly zoom meeting -> meeting hosted by member -> digital assembly
-> knowing each other plan -> finding connection -> sharing each other resources -> Building digital tools -> Finding ways to grow together