1 Scott Mcquire, Visions of Modernity: Representation, Memory, Time and Space in the Age of the Camera (London: Sage Publications, 1998), 127–131.
2 比如著名的策展人Harald Szeemann (1933-2005),現在整體個人檔案連同藏書收藏於洛杉磯Getty Center.
3 Pierre-Marc de Biasi, La génétique des textes (Paris : Nathan, 2000).
4 林志明,「檔案潮─概念與批判(Archival Turn: Concept and Critique)」,收錄於《美術館的文獻保存與再利用》(台北:台北市立美術館,2012),128-143。
5 Pierre-Marc de Biasi, La génétique des textes, 9.
6 參考,林志明,「檔案潮─概念與批判」。
7 參考,同上。
8 Biasi, La génétique des textes, 34.
9 John Rohrbach, “Introduction”, in Reframing the New Topographics, ed. Greg Foster-Rice and John Rohrbach (Chicago: Columbia College Chicago Press, 2013), XVI.
10 Biasi, La génétique des textes, 36.
11 丹.布朗,《地獄(典藏圖文版)》(台北市:時報文化,2016),11。
12 Biasi, La génétique des textes, 74.
13 Biasi, La génétique des textes, 47-48.
14 Ibid, 49.
15 Michel Foucault, Madness and Civilization, tr. Richard Howard (New York: Vintage Anchor Publishing, 1965).
16 Chi-ming Lin, « De l’ exposition au livre d’art. Éléments pour une étude de la genèse au long cours de The History of Photography (1937-1982) », Genesis, 15, No. 40 (avril 2015) : 67- 77.
17 Cf. Terry Smith, Thinking Contemporary Curating (New York: Independent Curators International, 2012), 206.
18 Mike Jones, Artefacts, Archives, and Documentation in the Relational Museum (London and New York: Routledge, 2022).
19 Ibid, 6. 原文為 Instead of leading with the object, lead with the story of the culture, historical context, important people and places, and their importance. Tell engaging stories with objects woven through them. Do so via entertaining, prescribed paths that both lead the user lightly by the hand and encourage curiosity, exploration and serendipity.