At the risk of preaching to the choir, let me offer this text as essentially a plea for counting on history in the curatorial toolkit, primarily as a wake-up call, an anti-amnesiac in post-truth times if you will, now that so many leaders and their groupies remain keen on fueling war, propping up dictatorships, and making “difference” a reason to kill and to refuse basic rights. It is indeed tragic that too many today are intent on forgetting and making up the past in the most blatantly self-serving and incongruous ways. This is sadly true in the Philippines, and across the world, where at each site the ominous occurrence of forgetting is nuanced in its own way. We need not dwell too long on the pulse points in this broadened notion of region or spatial remit—there is Hong Kong, Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, India, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Japan, China, and so forth.